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Easy & quick shopping<\/li>
Access to your orders and saving of addresses<\/li>
Create a personal wishlist & gift list<\/li><\/ul>", "": "Create Account", "loginRegistration.login.headline": "Registered Customers", "loginRegistration.login.text": "If you have an existing account, please log in", "loginRegistration.guest.headline": "Shop as a guest", "loginRegistration.guest.text": "Check out as a guest and ship your order to", "loginRegistration.guest.submit": "Continue as guest", "registration.introText": "High performance at every occasion. SPIEGELAU has produced in Germany for over 500 years, combining traditional craftsmanship with innovative technologies. The brand specializes in high-quality and elegant crystal glasses for everyday use, providing a perfect balance between form and function.", "registration.headlineNew": "Create your login data", "registration.headlineNewOnPremise": "Create your login data", "registration.headlineNewB2B": "Create your login data", "registration.headlineGuest": "Guest account", "registration.headlineAddress": "Fill in your Address data", "registration.retail.checkbox": "Create a personal customer account", "": "Welcome to the SPIEGELAU HoReCa Shop for our business customers. This section of the website has been specially made for our customers from the hospitality industry and winemakers & wineries. The prices are net per piece and per carton in EUR, please note the shipping conditions. Follow our step-by-step instructions to register, set up your business account and select your desired products.", "": "Create a Hospitality/ Winery account", "": "Please select a company type", "": "Welcome to the SPIEGELAU Business to Business Wholesale Retail Web Shop. This area of our website is specifically designed to welcome retailers and wholesalers with valid resale certificates. We offer special wholesale terms for direct supply. Please follow the step by step guideline to log in, set up your business account and select your chosen products. Be aware of the shipping terms. Prices: Manufacture Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) in EUR per bill unit (BU). Packaging configuration: all goods are shipped in master packs (MP) holding one or multiple bill units (BU) and for your information, we also show how many pieces to the bill unit.", "": "Welcome to the RSN.UK Ltd Retail Wholesale webshop. We are pleased to offer a comprehensive selection of glassware from Riedel, Spiegelau and Nachtmann.", "registration.b2b.checkbox": "Create a Retail Wholesale account", "registration.b2b.error": "Please select a company type", "": "Restaurant/Bar", "companyType.caterer": "Caterer", "companyType.hotel": "Hotel", "companyType.winery": "Winery", "country.austria": "Austria", "country.belgium": "Belgium", "country.bulgaria": "Bulgaria", "country.croatia": "Croatia", "country.cyprus": "Cyprus", "country.denmark": "Denmark", "country.estonia": "Estonia", "country.finland": "Finland", "country.france": "France", "country.germany": "Germany", "country.greece": "Greece", "country.hungary": "Hungary", "country.ireland": "Ireland", "country.italy": "Italy", "country.latvia": "Latvia", "country.liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein", "country.lithuania": "Lithuania", "country.luxembourg": "Luxembourg", "country.malta": "Malta", "country.netherlands": "Netherlands", "country.poland": "Poland", "country.portugal": "Portugal", "country.romania": "Romania", "country.slovakia": "Slovakia", "country.slovenia": "Slovenia", "country.spain": "Spain", "country.sweden": "Sweden", "country.greatBritain": "United Kingdom", "country.emirates": "United Arab Emirates", "country.iceland": "Iceland", "country.czech": "Czech Republic", "country.norway": "Norway", "country.monaco": "Monaco", "country.usa": "United States", "country.newZealand": "New Zealand", "country.australia": "Australia", "country.canada": "Canada", "country.switzerland": "Switzerland", "country.lichtenstein": "Liechtenstein", "country.india": "India", "rootView.headline": "MySPIEGELAU", "rootDefaultView.headline": "Login / Registration", "registerView.headline": "Registration", "registerView.subtitle": " ", "editView.headline": "Edit Data", "editView.subtitle": " ", "ordersView.headline": "Orders", "ordersView.subtitle": " ", "resetPwView.headline": "Reset your password", "resetPwView.subtitle": " ", "userData.headline": "User Data", "userData.edit": "Edit Data", "": "Save Data", "userData.resetPw": "Reset Password", "userData.resetPw.headline": "Send a reset link to your email", "userData.resetPw.success.headline": "Your request was sent", "userData.resetPw.success.text": "If you have an account with us, you will receive a corresponding e-mail to reset your password.", "userData.discard": "Discard", "userData.update": "Update", "": "New", "editShipping.headline": "Shipping Addresses", "bonuspoints.mainText": "MySPIEGELAU Bonus Points", "bonuspoints.balanceText": "Current balance:", "bonuspoints.points": "points", "bonuspoints.openBtn": "Use bonus points", "bonuspoints.removeBtn": "Remove bonus points", "bonuspoints.windowText": " ", "bonuspoints.priceReduction": "Price reduction", "bonuspoints.usePoints": "Use bonus points", "bonuspoints.setMax": "Use all points", "bonuspoints.setMin": "Use no points", "paymentMethod.creditCard": "Credit Card", "paymentMethod.creditCardAndDebitcard": "Debit or Credit Card", "paymentMethod.klarna": "Klarna - Pay now. Pay later. Slice it.", "paymentMethod.six": "Credit Card, PostFinance or TWINT", "paymentMethod.afterpay": "afterpay - 4 x fortnightly payments", "paymentMethod.applepay": "Apple Pay", "paymentMethod.twint": "TWINT", "paymentMethod.cartebancaire": "Carte bancaire", "myriedelSection.wishlist.title": "My Wishlist", "myriedelSection.wishlist.btnText": "Show Wishlist", "myriedelSection.productComparison.title": "Product Comparison", "myriedelSection.productComparison.btnText": "Compare products", "": "My bonus points", "": "Learn more", "myriedelSection.orders.title": "My Orders", "myriedelSection.orders.btnText": "Show orders", "myriedelSection.account.title": "Account details", "myriedelSection.account.btnText": "Show data", "myriedelSection.bonuspoints.title": "Bonus Points:", "myriedelSection.bonuspoints.btnText": "Learn more", "myriedelSection.newWishlist": "New wishlist", "myriedelSection.wishlistError": "This field is required.", "myriedelSection.noItems": "There are no products on your wishlist.", "myriedelSection.wishlistShare.title": "Shared Wishlist", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.text": "Send this link to your friends and family to share your personal wishlist:", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.headline": "Share your wishlist", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.mail": "share via e-mail", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.whatsapp": "share via WhatsApp", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.messenger": "share via Messenger", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.clipboard": "Copy sharelink to your clipboard", "myriedel.shopLink.retail": "Go to our Shop", "myriedel.shopLink.op": "Go to our On Premise Shop", "myriedel.shopLink.b2b": "Go to our Retail Wholesale Shop", "": "Download", "orders.details.btn": "Details", "orders.details.btnClose": "Close details", "orders.details.headline": "Order details", "orders.reprint.btn": "print invoice", "orders.tracking.btn": "Tracking", "orders.reorder": "Re-Order", "orders.reorder.title": "Do you want to create a new cart from this order?", "orders.reorder.text": "It\'s possible that not all products are available and also prices and discounts maybe have changed.", "orders.reorder.submit": "submit", "orders.reorder.cancel": "cancel", "orders.complete": "Complete order", "orders.complete.title": "Complete your order", "orders.complete.text": "By submitting, the products from the failed order will be added to your cart again. It is possible that not all products are available and that prices and discounts have changed.", "orders.complete.submit": "Submit", "orders.complete.cancel": "Cancel", "orders.paymentStatus.Paid": "Paid", "orders.paymentStatus.Failed": "Failed", "orders.paymentStatus.Balance_due": "open", "orders.paymentStatus.Pending": "Open", "orders.paymentStatus.Credit_owed": "Open", "orders.paymentStatus.undefined": "Open", "orders.shippingStatus.Shipped": "Shipped", "orders.shippingStatus.Ready": "Ready", "orders.shippingStatus.Pending": "Pending", "orders.shippingStatus.Delayed": "Delayed", "orders.shippingStatus.Partial": "Partial", "orders.shippingStatus.Backorder": "Backorder", "orders.shippingStatus.undefined": "Missing", "": "Order Date", "ordersOverview.orderId": "Order ID", "ordersOverview.status": "Payment & Shipping Status", "ordersOverview.paymentStatus": "Payment Status", "ordersOverview.shippingStatus": "Shipping Status", "ordersOverview.noData": "No data available", "orderItem.shippingAddress": "Shipping address", "orderItem.billingAddress": "Billing address", "orderItem.customerNr": "Customer Number", "orderItem.shippingMethod": "Shipping method", "orderItem.paymentMethod": "Payment method", "orderItem.trackingCode": "Tracking codes", "orderItem.trackingCode.carrier": "Carrier", "orderItem.trackingCode.trackingCode": "Tracking code", "resetPwForm.success": "New password was set successfully!", "resetPwForm.submit": "Set new password", "": "Email is not verified", "emailVerification.resend": "Resend verification link", "emailVerification.success.headline": "Attention!", "emailVerification.success.text": "Your verification email was sent. Please check your mail account and approve the verification.", "myriedelBreadcrumb.edit": "Account Details", "myriedelBreadcrumb.orders": "Orders", "myriedelBreadcrumb.wishlist": "Wishlist", "myriedelBreadcrumb.reset": "Reset Password", "myriedelBreadcrumb.wishlist-share": "Shared Wishlist", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-us": "US", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-eu": "EU", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-uk": "UK", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-can": "CA", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-nzl": "NZ", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-sui": "SUI", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-aus": "AUS", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points": "General", "usState.AL": "Alabama", "usState.AK": "Alaska", "usState.AZ": "Arizona", "usState.AR": "Arkansas", "usState.CA": "California", "usState.CO": "Colorado", "usState.CT": "Connecticut", "usState.DC": "District of Colombia", "usState.DE": "Delaware", "usState.FL": "Florida", "usState.GA": "Georgia", "usState.HI": "Hawaii", "usState.ID": "Idaho", "usState.IL": "Illinois", "usState.IN": "Indiana", "usState.IA": "Iowa", "usState.KS": "Kansas", "usState.KY": "Kentucky", "usState.LA": "Louisiana", "usState.ME": "Maine", "usState.MD": "Maryland", "usState.MA": "Massachusetts", "usState.MI": "Michigan", "usState.MN": "Minnesota", "usState.MS": "Mississippi", "usState.MO": "Missouri", "usState.MT": "Montana", "usState.NE": "Nebraska", "usState.NV": "Nevada", "usState.NH": "New Hampshire", "usState.NJ": "New Jersey", "usState.NM": "New Mexico", "usState.NY": "New York", "usState.NC": "North Carolina", "usState.ND": "North Dakota", "usState.OH": "Ohio", "usState.OK": "Oklahoma", "usState.OR": "Oregon", "usState.PA": "Pennsylvania", "usState.RI": "Rhode Island", "usState.SC": "South Carolina", "usState.SD": "South Dakota", "usState.TN": "Tennessee", "usState.TX": "Texas", "usState.UT": "Utah", "usState.VT": "Vermont", "usState.VA": "Virginia", "usState.WA": "Washington", "usState.WV": "West Virginia", "usState.WI": "Wisconsin", "usState.WY": "Wyoming", "auState.ACT": "Australian Capital Territory", "auState.NSW": "New South Wales", "auState.QLD": "Queensland", "auState.SA": "South Australia", "auState.TAS": "Tasmania", "auState.VIC": "Victoria", "auState.WA": "Western Australia", "auState.NT": "Northern Territory", "caState.AB": "Alberta", "caState.BC": "British Columbia", "caState.MB": "Manitoba", "caState.NB": "New Brunswick", "caState.NL": "Newfoundland and Labrador", "caState.NT": "Northwest Territories", "caState.NS": "Nova Scotia", "caState.NU": "Nunavut", "caState.ON": "Ontario", "caState.PE": "Prince Edward Island", "caState.QC": "Quebec", "caState.SK": "Saskatchewan", "caState.YT": "Yukon territory", "gbState.main": "United Kingdom", "": "Channel Islands", "esState.spain": "Spain", "esState.canary": "Canary Islands", "ptState.portugal": "Portugal", "ptState.madeira": "Madeira", "a11y.openNewWindow": "(opens in new window)", "a11y.iframe": "Your browser does not support iframes. Visit the content of this iframe at", "a11y.removeProduct": "Remove product", "a11y.switchCountryLink.alt": "Open overlay to switch country", "a11y.skipSidebar": "Skip sidebar", "vies.error.confirm": "Continue", "vies.error.cancel": "Cancel and edit", "vies.error.EC.belgium.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.belgium.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.belgium.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.belgium.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.belgium.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.belgium.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.germany.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.germany.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.ECR.germany.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.germany.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have DE before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.germany.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have DE before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.germany.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have DE before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.france.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.france.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.ECR.france.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.france.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.france.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have FR before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.france.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have FR before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.italy.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.italy.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.italy.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.italy.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"IT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.italy.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"IT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.italy.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"IT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.luxembourg.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.PRO.luxembourg.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.ECR.luxembourg.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.EC.luxembourg.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have LU before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.luxembourg.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have LU before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.luxembourg.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have LU before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support..", "vies.error.PRO.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.netherlands.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.PRO.netherlands.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.ECR.netherlands.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!\t", "vies.error.EC.netherlands.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have NL before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.netherlands.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have NL before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.netherlands.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have NL before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.austria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.austria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.austria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.austria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have AT before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.austria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have AT before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.austria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have AT before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", }; Skip to content
Quantity shown in bill units, minimum order = one bill unit
1 bill unit holds 2 pieces
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In stock, delivery within 4-7 business days The item is currently in production and will be available in the online store soon. If you have any questions or would like more information on availability, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team. We’re always happy to help. The item is currently in production and will be available in the online store soon. If you have any questions or would like more information on availability, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team. We’re always happy to help. Only a few items left Out of stock No stock data available
This product is scheduled to be available in weekweeks
The product is due to be available soon.
The Red Wine glass is the perfect glass to suit a variety of red wines.
It has been designed to work as a functional and universal instrument for simple wine enjoyment. The glass helps to release the aromas of wines, emphasise fruit, and balance tannins in red wines.
This product is made of clear crystal glass.
Ouverture is RIEDEL’s entry level series for customers who appreciate a good wine in a great glass. Ouverture is a non-varietal specific collection of functional crystal glasses that will increase the owner‘s drinking pleasure of wine, beer and spirits.
Want the perfect collection of everyday glassware? The Ouverture collection is durable, and practical. Machine-made with short, sturdy stems, it features a range of wine-friendly shapes for day-to-day use.
RIEDEL Ouverture
The original wine friendly collection
After introducing a series of Grape Varietal Specific collections that revolutionized the wine world, Georg Riedel debuted the Ouverture collection in 1989. Ouverture is ideal for those who prefer a more simplistic approach to wine enjoyment. These "wine friendly" glasses show optimum characteristics in wine without catering to specific wine varieties.
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