Copyright © 2023 Bayerische Glaswerke GmbH. All rights reserved!
Bayerische Glaswerke GmbH
Zacharias-Frank-Str. 7
92660 Neustadt a. d. Waldnaab
Telephone: +49 9602 300
Fax: +49 9602 30 1100
(The standard costs from your telephone service provider will still be charged.)
CEO: Richard Voit
Register Court: Amtsgericht Weiden/Opf.
Register Number: 2939
Financial Office: Finanzamt Weiden
VAT ID: DE243609252
For questions concerning complaints or for other concerns, please contact our customer service department by telephone: +49 9602 30 0 (The standard costs of your network provider shall apply.) and via email
The European Commission offers the possibility for Online Dispute Resolution on its own platform. You will find the link below:
Out-of-court settlements: We do not engage in out-of-court settlements before consumer arbitration bodies.
We hereby expressly dissociate ourselves from all contents of all linked pages on our website and we do not adopt their contents. Should we have inadvertently violated any copyright rights, we kindly ask you to notify us about these as quickly as possible so that the links, texts or images concerned can be removed from our website. Copying all of our texts (incl. sources) and photos on our pages is not permitted without our approval.
Conception, Design & Programming
pixelart GmbH | Handelszentrum 16 | 5101 Salzburg/Bergheim | Austria |
Media archive
- Media archive RSN Groupe
- Media Archive Bayerische Glaswerke GmbH
- Tasting Images Oslo - Svein Lindin
References for the used pictures and graphics
All images and graphics used are the legal property of Bayerische Glaswerke GmbH, unless otherwise stated directly in the pictures, graphics etc. used or listed below:
- ©
- © Flag icons made by Freepik from
- © DBU Deutsche Barkeeper-Union e.V.
- © Sommelier-Union Deutschland e.V.
Layout and design of the overall site, as well as individual elements thereof, such as logos, photographs, emblems, etc. are copyright protected. The same applies to editorial content; individually and in selection and composition; any alteration of these is not permitted. Public use of the site and contents thereof may be made only with the agreement of Bayerische Glaswerke GmbH.
Legal notice
Contents published in are researched with the greatest of care and technical services are programmed to the best possible standards. However, Bayerische Glaswerke GmbH takes no responsibility for 100% accuracy. All information is supplied without liability. We take no responsibility for direct, indirect or other damages, regardless of their cause (except in the case of injury to life, body or health and in the case of intent), incurred through the use of content or services to be found in
Our offers include links to third party websites whose content we have no authority over. For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for the content of third-party websites. The provider or administrators of the site are responsible for the content of the linked sites. The linked sites have been checked for possible legal violations at the time the link was created. No unlawful content was found at the time the link was created.
Gender notice
We place great emphasis on non-discrimination. In the interest of better readability of the texts, we either use the masculine or feminine form of personal nouns. In no way is this intended to imply any exclusion or discrimination of another gender. Men, women and people of diverse genders are equally addressed by the contents of our website. Thank you for your understanding!