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Achats faciles et rapides ;<\/li>
accéder à vos commandes et sauvegarder vos adresses ;<\/li>
créer des listes de favoris & de cadeaux ;<\/li>
collectionner des points de bonification et économiser !<\/li><\/ul>", "loginRegistration.new.submit": "Créer un compte", "loginRegistration.login.headline": "Clients enregistrés", "loginRegistration.login.text": "Si vous possédez déjà un compte, veuillez vous connecter.", "loginRegistration.guest.headline": "Acheter en tant qu\'invité", "loginRegistration.guest.text": "Payez en tant qu\'invité et envoyez votre commande dans ce pays:", "loginRegistration.guest.submit": "Continuer comme invité", "registration.introText": "SPIEGELAU est synonyme de performance exceptionnelle en toutes occasions. Depuis plus de 500 ans, SPIEGELAU combine l\'artisanat traditionnel et les technologies innovantes dans la production de verre en Allemagne. La marque se spécialise dans des verres en cristal de haute qualité et élégants pour un usage quotidien, offrant un équilibre parfait entre forme et fonction.", "registration.headlineNew": "Créez vos données d\'accès", "registration.headlineNewOnPremise": "Créez vos données d\'accès", "registration.headlineNewB2B": "Créez vos données d\'accès", "registration.headlineGuest": "Compte d\'invité", "registration.headlineAddress": "Entrez votre adresse", "registration.retail.checkbox": "Créer un compte particulier", "registration.company.info": "Bienvenue dans la boutique SPIEGELAU HoReCa pour nos clients professionnels. Cette section du site a été spécialement conçue pour nos clients professionnels CHR & vignerons. Les prix sont indiqués en EUR nets par pièce et par carton. Veuillez tenir compte des conditions d\'expédition. Suivez nos instructions pas à pas pour vous inscrire, créer votre compte professionnel et sélectionner les produits que vous souhaitez acheter.", "registration.company.checkbox": "Créer un compte pour les professionnels de la Restauration, Hôtellerie & Domaine & professionnels de la filière viti-vinicole.", "registration.company.error": "Veuillez sélectionner un type de société.", "registration.b2b.info": "Bienvenue dans le boutique interentreprises SPIEGELAU pour les grossistes et les détaillants. Cette partie de notre site web a été spécialement conçue pour les détaillants et les grossistes disposant d\'un numéro de TVA valide. Nous offrons des conditions de grosses spéciales pour la livraison directe. Veuillez suivre nos instructions étape par étape pour vous inscrire, créer votre compte et sélectionner les produits que vous souhaitez. Veuillez noter les conditions d\'expédition. Les prix : Prix de vente conseillé (PVC) en EUR par unité d\'emballage (UE). Configuration de l\'emballage : toutes les marchandises sont expédiées en Master packs (MP) avec une ou plusieurs unités d\'emballage (UE). En outre, le nombre de pièces par unité d\'emballage est indiqué.", "registration.b2b.info.gb": "Welcome to the RSN.UK Ltd Retail Wholesale webshop. We are pleased to offer a comprehensive selection of glassware from Riedel, Spiegelau and Nachtmann.", "registration.b2b.checkbox": "Créez un compte pour les détaillants/grossistes", "registration.b2b.error": "Veuillez sélectionner un type de société.", "companyType.restaurant": "Restaurant/Bar", "companyType.caterer": "Traiteur", "companyType.hotel": "Hôtel", "companyType.winery": "Vignoble", "country.austria": "Autriche", "country.belgium": "Belgique", "country.bulgaria": "Bulgarie", "country.croatia": "Croatie", "country.cyprus": "Chypre", "country.denmark": "Danemark", "country.estonia": "Estonie", "country.finland": "Finlande", "country.france": "France", "country.germany": "Allemagne", "country.greece": "Grèce", "country.hungary": "Hongrie", "country.ireland": "Irlande", "country.italy": "Italie", "country.latvia": "Lettonie", "country.liechtenstein": "Liechtenstein", "country.lithuania": "Lituanie", "country.luxembourg": "Luxembourg", "country.malta": "Malte", "country.netherlands": "Pays-Bas", "country.poland": "Pologne", "country.portugal": "Portugal", "country.romania": "Roumanie", "country.slovakia": "Slovaquie", "country.slovenia": "Slovénie", "country.spain": "Espagne", "country.sweden": "Suède", "country.greatBritain": "Royaume-Uni", "country.emirates": "Émirats arabes unis", "country.iceland": "Islande", "country.czech": "République tchèque", "country.norway": "Norvège", "country.monaco": "Monaco", "country.usa": "États-Unis", "country.newZealand": "Nouvelle-Zélande", "country.australia": "Australie", "country.canada": "Canada", "country.switzerland": "Suisse", "country.lichtenstein": "Liechtenstein", "country.india": "Inde", "rootView.headline": "MySPIEGELAU", "rootDefaultView.headline": "Connexion/inscription", "registerView.headline": "Inscription", "registerView.subtitle": " ", "editView.headline": "Éditer les données", "editView.subtitle": " ", "ordersView.headline": "Commandes", "ordersView.subtitle": " ", "resetPwView.headline": "Réinitialiser votre mot de passe", "resetPwView.subtitle": " ", "userData.headline": "Données de l\'utilisateur", "userData.edit": "Modifier", "userData.save": "Sauvegarder les données", "userData.resetPw": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", "userData.resetPw.headline": "Envoyer un lien de réinitialisation à votre adresse électronique.", "userData.resetPw.success.headline": "Votre demande a été envoyée", "userData.resetPw.success.text": "Si vous avez un compte chez nous, vous recevrez un e-mail pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.", "userData.discard": "Enlever", "userData.update": "Mise à jour", "userData.new": "Nouveau", "editShipping.headline": "Adresses de livraison", "bonuspoints.mainText": "Points bonus MySPIEGELAU", "bonuspoints.balanceText": "Solde en cours :", "bonuspoints.points": "points", "bonuspoints.openBtn": "Utiliser les points bonus", "bonuspoints.removeBtn": "Remove bonus points", "bonuspoints.windowText": " ", "bonuspoints.priceReduction": "Réduction de prix", "bonuspoints.usePoints": "Utiliser les points bonus", "bonuspoints.setMax": "Utiliser tous les points", "bonuspoints.setMin": "N\'utiliser aucun point", "paymentMethod.creditCard": "Carte de crédit", "paymentMethod.creditCardAndDebitcard": "Carte de débit ou crédit", "paymentMethod.klarna": "Klarna - Payer maintenant. Payer plus tard. Le diviser.", "paymentMethod.six": "Carte de crédit, PostFinance ou TWINT", "paymentMethod.afterpay": "Paiement en plusieurs fois - 4 x paiements bimensuels", "paymentMethod.applepay": "Apple Pay", "paymentMethod.twint": "TWINT", "paymentMethod.cartebancaire": "Carte bancaire", "myriedelSection.wishlist.title": "Ma liste de favoris", "myriedelSection.wishlist.btnText": "Afficher la liste de favoris", "myriedelSection.productComparison.title": "Comparaison des produits", "myriedelSection.productComparison.btnText": "Comparer les produits", "myriedelSection.gift.title": "Afficher les commandes", "myriedelSection.gift.btnText": "Mes points de bonus", "myriedelSection.orders.title": "Mes commandes", "myriedelSection.orders.btnText": "Mes commandes", "myriedelSection.account.title": "Détails du compte", "myriedelSection.account.btnText": "Afficher les données", "myriedelSection.bonuspoints.title": "Points bonus :", "myriedelSection.bonuspoints.btnText": "En savoir plus", "myriedelSection.newWishlist": "Nouvelle liste de favoris", "myriedelSection.wishlistError": "Ce champ est obligatoire.", "myriedelSection.noItems": "En savoir plus", "myriedelSection.wishlistShare.title": "Partager la liste de favoris", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.text": "Envoyez ce lien à vos amis et votre famille pour partager votre liste de favoris :", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.headline": "Ma liste de favoris", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.mail": "Partager via email", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.whatsapp": "Partager via WhatsApp", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.messenger": "Partager via messager", "myriedelSection.wishlist.share.clipboard": "Copier le lien partagé dans votre presse-papiers", "myriedel.shopLink.retail": "Aller sur la boutique", "myriedel.shopLink.op": "Aller sur la boutique HoReCa", "myriedel.shopLink.b2b": "Aller sur la boutique de vente au détail/en gros", "orders.download.btn": "Télécharger", "orders.details.btn": "Détails", "orders.details.btnClose": "Fermer les détails", "orders.details.headline": "Détails de la commande", "orders.reprint.btn": "imprimer la facture", "orders.tracking.btn": "Suivi de l\'envoi", "orders.reorder": "Commander à nouveau", "orders.reorder.title": "Souhaitez-vous créer un nouveau panier à partir de cette commande?", "orders.reorder.text": "Il est possible que tous les produits ne soient pas disponibles et que les prix et les remises aient peut-être changé.", "orders.reorder.submit": "Soumettre", "orders.reorder.cancel": "Annuler", "orders.complete": "Complétez la commande", "orders.complete.title": "Complétez votre commande échouée", "orders.complete.text": "Avec la validation, les produits de la commande qui a échouée seront automatiquement ajoutés à votre panier. Il est possible que tous les produits ne soient pas disponibles et que les prix et remises aient changé.", "orders.complete.submit": "Valider", "orders.complete.cancel": "Annuler", "orders.paymentStatus.Paid": "Payé", "orders.paymentStatus.Failed": "Erreur", "orders.paymentStatus.Balance_due": "Ouvrir", "orders.paymentStatus.Pending": "Ouvrir", "orders.paymentStatus.Credit_owed": "Ouvrir", "orders.paymentStatus.undefined": "Ouvrir", "orders.shippingStatus.Shipped": "Expédié", "orders.shippingStatus.Ready": "Prêt", "orders.shippingStatus.Pending": "En attente", "orders.shippingStatus.Delayed": "Retardé", "orders.shippingStatus.Partial": "Partiel", "orders.shippingStatus.Backorder": "Commande en attente", "orders.shippingStatus.undefined": "Absent", "ordersOverview.date": "Date de commande", "ordersOverview.orderId": "ID de commande", "ordersOverview.status": "État de paiement et d\'expédition", "ordersOverview.paymentStatus": "État de paiement", "ordersOverview.shippingStatus": "État de l\'expédition", "ordersOverview.noData": "Pas de données disponibles", "orderItem.shippingAddress": "Adresse de livraison", "orderItem.billingAddress": "Adresse de facturation", "orderItem.customerNr": "Numéro de client", "orderItem.shippingMethod": "Mode d\'expédition", "orderItem.paymentMethod": "Moyen de paiement", "orderItem.trackingCode": "Codes de suivi", "orderItem.trackingCode.carrier": "Transporteur", "orderItem.trackingCode.trackingCode": "Code de suivi", "resetPwForm.success": "Votre nouveau mot de passe a été créé avec succès.", "resetPwForm.submit": "Définir un nouveau mot de passe", "emailVerification.info": "L\'adresse mail n\'est pas vérifiée.", "emailVerification.resend": "Renvoyer le lien de vérification", "emailVerification.success.headline": "Attention !", "emailVerification.success.text": "Un courriel de vérification a été envoyé. Veuillez vérifier votre messagerie et approuver la vérification.", "myriedelBreadcrumb.edit": "Afficher les données", "myriedelBreadcrumb.orders": "Détails du compte", "myriedelBreadcrumb.wishlist": "Liste de favoris", "myriedelBreadcrumb.reset": "Réinitialiser le mot de passe", "myriedelBreadcrumb.wishlist-share": "Partager la liste de favoris", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-us": "US", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-eu": "UE", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-uk": "UK", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-can": "CA", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-nzl": "NZ", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-sui": "SUI", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points-aus": "AUS", "bonuspoints.keys.bonus-points": "Généralités", "usState.AL": "Alabama", "usState.AK": "Alaska", "usState.AZ": "Arizona", "usState.AR": "Arkansas", "usState.CA": "California", "usState.CO": "Colorado", "usState.CT": "Connecticut", "usState.DC": "District de Colombie", "usState.DE": "Le Delaware", "usState.FL": "Floride", "usState.GA": "Géorgie", "usState.HI": "Hawaï", "usState.ID": "Idaho", "usState.IL": "Illinois", "usState.IN": "Indiana", "usState.IA": "Iowa", "usState.KS": "Kansas", "usState.KY": "Kentucky", "usState.LA": "Louisiana", "usState.ME": "Maine", "usState.MD": "Maryland", "usState.MA": "Massachusetts", "usState.MI": "Michigan", "usState.MN": "Minnesota", "usState.MS": "Mississippi", "usState.MO": "Missouri", "usState.MT": "Montana", "usState.NE": "Nebraska", "usState.NV": "Nevada", "usState.NH": "New Hampshire", "usState.NJ": "New Jersey", "usState.NM": "New Mexico", "usState.NY": "New York", "usState.NC": "North Carolina", "usState.ND": "North Dakota", "usState.OH": "Ohio", "usState.OK": "Oklahoma", "usState.OR": "Oregon", "usState.PA": "Pennsylvania", "usState.RI": "Rhode Island", "usState.SC": "South Carolina", "usState.SD": "South Dakota", "usState.TN": "Tennessee", "usState.TX": "Texas", "usState.UT": "Utah", "usState.VT": "Vermont", "usState.VA": "Virginia", "usState.WA": "Washington", "usState.WV": "West Virginia", "usState.WI": "Wisconsin", "usState.WY": "Wyoming", "auState.ACT": "Australian Capital Territory", "auState.NSW": "New South Wales", "auState.QLD": "Queensland", "auState.SA": "South Australia", "auState.TAS": "Tasmania", "auState.VIC": "Victoria", "auState.WA": "Western Australia", "auState.NT": "Northern Territory", "caState.AB": "Alberta", "caState.BC": "Colombie-Britannique", "caState.MB": "Manitoba", "caState.NB": "Nouveau-Brunswick", "caState.NL": "Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador", "caState.NT": "Territoires du Nord-Ouest", "caState.NS": "Nouvelle-Écosse", "caState.NU": "Nunavut", "caState.ON": "Ontario", "caState.PE": "Île-du-Prince-Édouard", "caState.QC": "Québec", "caState.SK": "Saskatchewan", "caState.YT": "Yukon", "gbState.main": "United Kingdom", "gbState.channel": "Îles anglo-normandes", "esState.spain": "Espagne", "esState.canary": "Îles Canaries", "ptState.portugal": "Portugal", "ptState.madeira": "Madère", "a11y.openNewWindow": "(s\'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)", "a11y.iframe": "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas les balises HTML. Visitez le contenu de cette balise sur", "a11y.removeProduct": "Enlever le produit", "a11y.switchCountryLink.alt": "Ouvrir la superposition pour changer de pays", "a11y.skipSidebar": "Ignorer la barre latérale", "vies.error.confirm": "Continuer", "vies.error.cancel": "Annuler et modifier", "vies.error.EC.belgium.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.PRO.belgium.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.ECR.belgium.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.EC.belgium.message": "Les numéros d\'identification fiscale obsolètes ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous continuez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro d\'identification fiscale. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code de pays. Veuillez vérifier si « BE » figure devant le numéro d\'identification fiscale. Si vous rencontrez toujours des difficultés, veuillez contacter le service clientèle par mail.", "vies.error.PRO.belgium.message": "Les numéros d\'identification fiscale obsolètes ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous continuez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro d\'identification fiscale. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code de pays. Veuillez vérifier si « BE » figure devant le numéro d\'identification fiscale. Si vous rencontrez toujours des difficultés, veuillez contacter le service clientèle par mail.", "vies.error.ECR.belgium.message": "Les numéros d\'identification fiscale obsolètes ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous continuez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro d\'identification fiscale. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code de pays. Veuillez vérifier si « BE » figure devant le numéro d\'identification fiscale. Si vous rencontrez toujours des difficultés, veuillez contacter le service clientèle par mail.", "vies.error.EC.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.bulgaria.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.bulgaria.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"BG\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.denmark.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.denmark.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"DK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.germany.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.PRO.germany.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.ECR.germany.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.EC.germany.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.PRO.germany.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.ECR.germany.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.EC.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.estonia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.estonia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.finland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.finland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"FI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.france.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.PRO.france.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.ECR.france.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.EC.france.message": "Les numéros d\'identification fiscale obsolètes ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous continuez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro d\'identification fiscale. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code de pays. Veuillez vérifier si « FR » figure devant le numéro d\'identification fiscale. Si vous rencontrez toujours des difficultés, veuillez contacter le service clientèle par mail.", "vies.error.PRO.france.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.ECR.france.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.EC.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.greece.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.greece.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"EL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.italy.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.italy.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.italy.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.italy.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"IT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.italy.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"IT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.italy.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"IT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.croatia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.croatia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HR\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.latvia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.latvia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LV\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.lithuania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.lithuania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"LT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.luxembourg.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !\t", "vies.error.PRO.luxembourg.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !\t", "vies.error.ECR.luxembourg.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !\t", "vies.error.EC.luxembourg.message": "Les numéros d\'identification fiscale obsolètes ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous continuez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro d\'identification fiscale. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code de pays. Veuillez vérifier si « LU » figure devant le numéro d\'identification fiscale. Si vous rencontrez toujours des difficultés, veuillez contacter le service clientèle par mail.", "vies.error.PRO.luxembourg.message": "Les numéros d\'identification fiscale obsolètes ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous continuez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro d\'identification fiscale. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code de pays. Veuillez vérifier si « LU » figure devant le numéro d\'identification fiscale. Si vous rencontrez toujours des difficultés, veuillez contacter le service clientèle par mail.", "vies.error.ECR.luxembourg.message": "Les numéros d\'identification fiscale obsolètes ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous continuez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro d\'identification fiscale. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code de pays. Veuillez vérifier si « LU » figure devant le numéro d\'identification fiscale. Si vous rencontrez toujours des difficultés, veuillez contacter le service clientèle par mail.", "vies.error.EC.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.malta.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support..", "vies.error.PRO.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.malta.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"MT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.netherlands.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.PRO.netherlands.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.ECR.netherlands.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.EC.netherlands.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.PRO.netherlands.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.ECR.netherlands.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.EC.austria.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.PRO.austria.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.ECR.austria.headline": "Votre numéro d\'identification fiscale n\'a pas pu être vérifié !", "vies.error.EC.austria.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.PRO.austria.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.ECR.austria.message": "Les numéros de taxe non valides ne sont pas pris en compte dans nos commandes. Si vous poursuivez la commande, elle sera traitée sans numéro de taxe. L\'une des erreurs les plus courantes est l\'absence de code pays. Veuillez vérifier si vous avez FR avant votre numéro de taxe. Si le problème persiste, veuillez contacter le service clientèle.", "vies.error.EC.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.poland.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.poland.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PL\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.portugal.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.portugal.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"PT\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.romania.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.romania.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"RO\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.sweden.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.sweden.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SE\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.slovakia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.slovakia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SK\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.slovenia.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.slovenia.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"SI\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.spain.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.spain.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"ES\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.czech.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.czech.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CZ\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.hungary.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.hungary.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"HU\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.EC.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.PRO.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.ECR.cyprus.headline": "Your tax number could not be verified!", "vies.error.EC.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.PRO.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", "vies.error.ECR.cyprus.message": "Invalid tax numbers are not considered in our orders. If you continue the order, your order will be processed without a tax number. One of the most common errors is the lack of the country code. Please check if you have \"CY\" before your tax number. If you still have issues please contact the customer support.", }; Passer au contenu
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